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Ahmer Naqvi

About Me

Welcome to the archive of my work and features

I am a writer, content creator, broadcaster and creative consultant. I know it's a lot.

My main area of interest is popular culture, and things that bring people together. A lot of my work has been focused on cricket, music and food and I have also covered internet culture, cinema and literature. I have worked in print, in digital video, audio, radio and on TV. I also do food tours of Karachi which you can learn about here. You can find my work organised by topics as well as by medium on this website.

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a man swinging a bat at a balla man swinging a bat at a ball
photo of black and brown cassette tapephoto of black and brown cassette tape
brown bread on red and white textilebrown bread on red and white textile
film tape on floorfilm tape on floor